Asking About Money And Income During The Employment Interview Process

Submitted by: Shaun Z. Stevens

Timing is everything when it comes to salary negotiation. When you negotiate is as important as how. Raising the issue of salary , benefits or compensation overall too early and prematurely can be a kiss of death in your venture to seek employment , change jobs or careers or upgrade your job position level with a promotion. In addition by raising the question too early in the process can limit your ability to negotiate later in the process to a great deal and even hamper your compensation awarded at the end of the whole interview and negotiating process.

When you bring up the subject of money too soon, then the issue of compensation overshadows what you really want to convey. Your job at hand is to convey to the whole interview army that you are the person who among all the candidates can do the job in the best fashion and that the firm , group or organization should hire you , almost at that instant on the spot.

Before money even comes on the table most employers as well as corporate interviewers generally see you as one of the available possibilities. Why distract the interviewer from his single task at hand that of picking candidates that the process is serious enough about to move these candidates along to stage two of the interview a hiring process that is the second interview stage.


As such uncluttered by any preconceived notions of expense, you have the opportunity at the correct time, to convince those involved in the hiring process that you have what it takes and are the best candidate at hand. A candidate that will surely get the job done.

The second interview is a much better and appropriate time to talk salary, benefits and compensation. The first interview is a fact finding stage for both parties on both sides of the interview process. Now that you are a more serious step and both parties know more about the other one it s a good time to talk salary. If you think about it how on earth on the first interview with limited information and ability to verify the information at hand can either side rightly be in a position to ask for, debate or settle compensation issues. This comes later at this second stage of the interview process sometimes as well starting, finishing or verifying at an agreement in the third and final stage of the interview process that is the third interview in the chain.

A good time to talk salary and money is when the company or organizational representative has in effect decided that you a strong candidate for the position at hand.

A great time to talk salary is when they think that they cannot live without you on board. The ideal time to discuss salary is when you have been offered the job. You may have to talk salary before then however. When the employer begins spending an increasing amount of time trying to convince you of the fascinating challenges of the position and the vast opportunities in the organization, you can be sure that the time to talk salary has arrived or will arrive soon and presently.

It can be said that it is not always easy and transparent to recognize that magic moment . If one major point is be stressed and emphasized it is that in interview an hiring process that salary , money , compensation and benefit packages are often discussed too early rather than later and often as a result that magic moment never materializes or arrives for the job seeker in the employment interview process.

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